BioPhotonic Scanner

The BioPhotonic Scanner is incredible technology that measures skin carotenoid levels, allowing us to quickly gather dietary baselines and assess the consistency and quality of a patient's diet.  The scanner takes less than a minute and the score is explained right away.  The cost is $20 for just the scan or free with all nutritional consultations!

* We do not carry Pharmanex supplements



You eat organic, right?  And supplement conscientiously?  

But . . . are you SURE your diet and supplements are providing the antioxidant defense network needed for optimal health in a toxic world?  Is your body receiving the minerals it needs to protect yourself from disease states?

Place the fleshy part of your palm over the scanner’s blue light, and the scanner takes less than 1 minutes to read your skin carotenoid level! 

You do not have to be a patient/client of Wellness 360 to receive a scan! Call 920.759.5015 to book!

How it Works

The BioPhotonic Scanner works on Resonance Raman Spectroscopy, producing a narrow beam of blue photon light in a wavelength of 473 nanometers that shines onto the palm of your hand.  When the blue 473 nm photon of light contacts carotenoids in the skin, the blue 473 nm photon becomes a green 510 nm photon.  

A carotenoid is the only molecule that can shift a blue 473 nm photon of light to a green 510 nm photon of light.  Resonance Raman Spectroscopy technology counts the green photons for the carotenoid score.

What Are Carotenoids

The vegetables and fruits we consume contain many antioxidants with which we are all familiar.  Vitamin C and Vitamin E are two great examples, but vegetables and fruits also contain smaller, lesser known compounds called phytonutrients that provide the body with incredible health benefits.  The BioPhotonic scanner allows for accurate measuring of phytonutrients, specifically carotenoids.  

Carotenoids are a class of more than 600 naturally occurring pigments synthesized by plants, algae, and photosynthetic bacteria The deeply colored carotenoids are the sources of the yellow, orange, red, purple, blue, and white colors of vegetables and fruit.  Even the green-leafy vegetables contain these colorful pigments, but the strong green color of the chlorophyll masks them.  Consistently eat an abundance and variety of carotenoid-rich foods to improve scanner score.

Antioxidants of all kinds quench free radicals. 

A high level of skin carotenoids indicates a rich antioxidant defense network in the body and a correspondingly low, healthy level of unquenched free radicals.

What Does the Scan Measure

The BioPhotonic Scanner is commonly called an antioxidant scanner, but that is not technically true.  While the score can be thought of as a general antioxidant score, it is specifically measuring carotenoids and other phytonutrients.

Scan Accuracy

The Biophotonic scanner is incredibly accurate. Fluctuation is slight; if you scan ten times in a row, and your first score is 25k, the other nine scores will range from 22k – 28k, but never will the score go up or down by more than two or three thousand points.  The same goes if you scan ten days in a row.  We recommend scanning about every six months to check levels.

What Time Frame the Scan Measures

This is a common question.  Often people try to eat really well and increase their multivitamin intake the week before they scan.  Sometimes people try to blame a bad score on a week of poor eating.  In reality, the scanner is measuring about 3 months, and nothing you do can artificially spike or plummet the score.  

Your skin carotenoid score reflects the consistency of consumption of green leafy and colorful, non-starchy vegetables or supplement intake.  Fruit can be helpful, but in moderation.  Organic plays a big role.  One study years ago showed that one organic apple contains the same amount of nutrients as four regular apples.  Lifestyle and exercise habits, as well as efforts to avoid environmental stressors and toxins all contribute to the overall BioPhotonic score.

Even though the score cannot be acutely manipulated up, it should be mentioned that we have found that some specific factors can temporarily lower a score: air travel, severe illness / infection, extreme emotional/mental stress.  What do all of these things have in common?  Unexpected, abnormal, elevation of systemic free radicals.

What Factors May Lower Free Radicals (your score)

If the scanner is measuring relative antioxidant status, then anything that produces increased free radicals will lower the score.  Free radicals are unstable molecules.  Missing an electron in their outer shell, they bounce around the body stealing electrons from healthy cells.  Even though free radicals are a normal by-product of many natural bodily processes (breathing, exercising, ATP production, immune system functioning), anything that causes an abnormal increase in production can negatively effect the balance of health.